Izoni dredge edh
Izoni dredge edh

izoni dredge edh

You have plenty of sacrifice outlets and powerful creatures to sacrifice (and then reanimate), and you even take advantage of Birthing Pod a little bit.

izoni dredge edh

Since your commander gains experience counters each time a creature dies, you’re focused on the sacrifice/aristocrats theme that’s so heavily supported in the Golgari colors. In Meren’s case you can reanimate creatures of larger and larger mana value as the game progresses.

izoni dredge edh

The mechanic allows for the creature’s triggered ability to become stronger the more it’s used. Meren of Clan Nel Toth is enabled entirely by the experience counter mechanic that was introduced with Commander 2015. The price currently sits at around $300, which can still be a lot for many players, so I’ll be going over some budget options and replacements you may be interested in a little later. This midrange power level carries a midrange price with it, which makes it an exceptionally accessible deck even if you buy each individual card on its own. This deck is meant to be a mid-power list, meaning it isn’t cEDH or conventionally “high-power.” That said, it still holds its own at any casual table pretty well.

Izoni dredge edh